Guchuan Li
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Peking University. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Michigana from 2020 to 2023 and a postdoc in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen from 2019 t0 2020. I obtained my Ph.D. in mathematics from Northwestern University in 2019 under the supervision of Paul Goerss.
My research interest is in algebraic topology, with an emphasis on chromatic homotopy theory and equivariant homotopy theory.
My CV is here.
Email: liguchuan at math dot pku dot edu dot cn
Peking University
Department of Mathematics
- The ℂ-motivic Adams-Novikov spectral sequence for topological modular forms, joint with Daniel C. Isaksen, Hana Jia Kong, Yangyang Ruan, and Heyi Zhu. Advances in Mathematics, Volume 458, Part B (2024). journal arXiv.
- RO(G)-graded homotopy fixed point spectral sequence for height 2 Morava E-theory, joint with Zhipeng Duan, Hana Jia Kong, Yunze Lu, and Guozhen Wang. Peking Mathematical Journal , (2024). journal arXiv.
- Relative regular sequences and generalized cohomology of infinite real Grassmannians, joint with Igor Kriz. Toplogy and its Applications, Volume 338, 1 October 2023, 108666. journal
- Tate blueshift and vanishing for Real oriented cohomology theories, joint with Vitaly Lorman and J.D.Quigley. Advances in Mathematics, Volume 411 (2022), 108780. journal arXiv.
- Picard Groups and Duality for C_2 Homotopy Fixed Points of Morava E-Theory, joint with Drew Heard and XiaoLin Danny Shi. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 21 (2021), 2703-2760. journal arXiv.
- Hurewicz Images of Real Bordism Theory and Real Johnson-Wilson Theories, joint with XiaoLin Danny Shi, Guozhen Wang, and Zhouli Xu. Advances in Mathematics, Volume 342, 21 January 2019, Pages 67-115. journal arXiv.
- Vanishing lines in chromatic homotopy theory, joint with Zhipeng Duan and XiaoLin Danny Shi. To appear in Geometry & Topology arXiv.
- The inverse limit topology and profinite descent on Picard groups in K(n)-local homotopy theory, joint with Ningchuan Zhang. arXiv.
- A Thom Spectrum Model for C_2-Integral Brown--Gitler Spectra, joint with Sarah Petersen and Elizabeth Ellen Tatum. arXiv.
- Finite Spectra of Finite Type. arXiv.
International Workshop on Algebraic Topology
Electronic Computational Homotopy Theory